How to choose the PKUSSI courses that best suit you? (Part II) Students Diversity and Engagement

In 2017, PKUSSI welcomed more than 340 students from all over the world! Students came from Association of East Asian Research Universities and IARU International Alliance of Research Universities, partner organizations such as Santander, Netherlands-Asia Honours Summer School, China Europe International Summer School and our partner universities (National University of Singapore, King’s College London, Ecole du Louvre, etc.). Below you can find the results of 2017 survey on student diversity and classroom engagement.

  • Courses that have the most diverse student groups
  1. Modern Chinese Fiction through Film
  2. Chinese Traditional Identity and Its Transformation after 1949
  3. Chinese Traditional Body Exercise, Diet and Health Preservation


  • Courses that provide most of all opportunities for classroom engagement
  1. Modern Chinese Fiction through Film
  2. Chinese Traditional Identity and Its Transformation after 1949
  3. Chinese Traditional Body Exercise, Diet and Health Preservation


*Note: new courses and courses offered in the previous years are not included in the survey

How to choose the PKUSSI courses that best suit you? (Part I) Academic Quality

Don’t know how to choose PKUSSI courses? We can help! Based on the 2017 survey and evaluation results, we prepared lists of Top-5 courses according to the following criteria:

  • Courses that are the most academic rigorous 
  1. The Rise of China and Change in World Politics
  2. Asia-Pacific Security
  3. Arts of Chinese Traditional Performance
  4. Modern Chinese Fiction through Film
  5. Transition and Public Policy in China
  • Courses that the most sufficiently address the depth and breadth of the topic 
  1. Asia-Pacific Security
  2. Chinese Traditional Body Exercise, Diet and Health Preservation
  3. The Rise of China and Change in World Politics
  4. Chinese Traditional Identity and Its Transformation after 1949
  • Courses that have the best teaching quality
  1. The Rise of China and Change in World Politics
  2. Modern Chinese Fiction through Film
  3. Chinese Traditional Identity and Its Transformation after 1949
  4. Understanding China: From Its Media, Communication and Culture
  5. Arts of Chinese Traditional Performance


*Note: new courses and courses offered in the previous years are not included in the survey